The General Assembly of the Rwanda Rugby Federation RRF Elected new Conflict and Resolution committee.
Kigali, Rwanda, November , 2020 / The Rwanda Rugby Federation (RRF) ( the Rwanda Rugby Federation members met in the General Assembly and elected conflict and Resolutin Committee to replace the one who have completed 5 years term according to RRF Constitution the members re-elected Abizeyimana Thadee as President of the committee , Nsanzimana Ignace as Vice President and Ibemaso ernestine as secretary
The RRF members exchange views and take various measures, on the agenda of including RRF Activity report , Financial report of 2019 and plan of actions of the year 2021/2022.
Muhire John Livingstone, the Chief Administrator of Rwanda Rugby Federation , said that in the past year, they have carried out a variety of activities covering various domain such as Governance, Participation, Training and Education, domestic competitions and women Rugby, in these all the pillars Muhire explained in detail and the members came together to confirm that the performance was good.In his welcome address, the President of the Rwanda Rugby Federation, Kamanda Tharcisse, thanked the members of the General Assembly, and returned to the outstanding achievements of the Federation during his stay at home, including social assistance provided to clubs to support most vulnerable players, he thanked World Rugby and Rugby Africa for the support donated during this period of lockdown due to covid 19 and also thanked the members for their continued cooperation and support for the development of Rugby.
‘’Kamanda said’’One of the things the RRF Executive Committee has been proud of since its inception in 2018 is that they have been able to acquire permanent legal personality in 2019 as a goal they set for themselves and that other activities have only been successful.
Among the commitments they are making is to promote the talents of young people where they are going to prepare young players from grasroot and have already set up mentors and then organize training retreats and competitions for them in various categories
The RRF also announced that they would do their best to resume the games, despite the fact that each player should continue to train individually, the participants in the general assembly and the focus on the ongoing audit, with a focus on the performance, and use of the equipment the teams have. so that the development of Rugby in Rwanda continues to thrive.